Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My 2009 Movie Odyssey - Part XV

For Me and My Gal (1942)
Judy Garland is pretty, Gene Kelley is charming, and there are some nice musical numbers, which adds up to a pleasantly entertaining piece of film (though I think Judy Garland’s character chose the wrong man in the end).

Taken (2008)
The title should be renamed: “Liam Neeson Kicks Butt.”

Knowing (2009)
There are a couple interesting set pieces (namely Nicholas Cage wandering through the wreckage of a plane that just crashed) but the payoff, filled with hijacked Christian symbolism, left me thinking that the whole thing would have been much better if done as a half hour Twilight Zone episode.

Caught (1949)
The movie asks some interesting relationship questions, but the ending feels overly contrived and too much like a copout.

Manhattan (1979)
Woody Allen has troubles with his love life; isn’t this the plot of every one of his films?

Coming up next: a couple more single word titles, one vastly superior to the other.

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